The Vercel Edge Network caches your content at the edge in order to serve data to your users as fast as possible.

Static caching is automatic for all deployments. This means that no changes need to be made to headers. You get the best performance possible out of the box with zero configuration required.

Cacheable Responses

Responses with HTTP status 200, 404, 301 or 308, to a GET or HEAD request are cached by our CDN. Other status codes or HTTP methods are never cached. In addition to this, there are various other circumstances where caching does not take place:

  • Responses that exceed 10MB in content length.
  • Requests that contain the Range header.
  • Requests that contain the Authorization header.
  • Requests that contain a _vercel_no_cache=1 cookie.
  • Requests that contain a ?_vercel_no_cache=1 request parameter.
  • Responses that contain the no-cache directive in their Cache-Control header.

Static Files

Static files are automatically cached at the edge after the first request. There are no manual adjustments necessary to make this work.

Static files are cached for 31 days. However, when you redeploy the cache is effectively invalidated so we always serve the latest version.

By default we return a Cache-Control header containing public, max-age=0, must-revalidate to prevent clients (e.g. browsers) from caching the file locally. This gives you the most flexibility as users get the latest file from our Global CDN immediately after deploying. This can be overridden with the Headers property in your vercel.json file.

Serverless Functions (Lambdas)

In order for our CDN to cache the response of a Serverless Function, you need to include the response header Cache-Control with any of the following directives:

  • s-maxage=N
  • max-age=N, public
  • max-age=N, immutable

Where N is the number of seconds the response should be cached. The response must also be cacheable as detailed above.

You can read more about the suggested way to define the Cache-Control header here.


Our CDN supports a powerful recent extension to the Cache-Control header called stale-while-revalidate.

The benefit of using stale-while-revalidate is that we can serve a resource from our CDN cache while simultaneously updating the cache in the background with the response from your Serverless Function.

Some situations where stale-while-revalidate is of great value:

  • Your content changes frequently but it takes a significant amount of time to regenerate. For example, an expensive database query or upstream API request.
  • Your content changes infrequently but you want to have the flexibility to update it (to fix a typo, for example) and don't wait for the cache to expire.

In both cases, we recommend using:

Cache-Control: s-maxage=1, stale-while-revalidate

An example Cache-Control header that enables content to be updated in the background.

This tells our CDN to serve from cache and update in the background at most 1 per second.

When the CDN receives a request with Pragma: no-cache (such as when the browser devtools are open), it will bypass the client cache, but will not bypass the CDN cache.

Cache Invalidation

Every deployment has a unique key used for caching based on the deployment url created at build time. This means that users will never see content from a previous deployment and there's normally no need to invalidate it.

The cache is automatically purged upon a new deployment being created. If you ever need to invalidate the CDN cache, you can always re-deploy.


Responses include a header called X-Vercel-Cache that contain details about the state of the cache for the resource. Possible values are:

The response was not found in the edge and thus fetched from an origin server.
The response was served from the edge.
The cache was bypassed and so the response was served from an origin server.
The response is stale (served from the edge). A background request to the origin was made to get a fresh version. (see Stale-While-Revalidate for more info)
A stale response was found in the edge but revalidated synchronously due to Pragma: no-cache.


These limits apply to both static and Serverless Function responses:

  • Max Cacheable Response Size = 10MB
  • Max Cache Time = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 (1 year in seconds)
    • s-maxage
    • max-age
    • stale-while-revalidate

Last Edited on August 4th 2020