This page outlines all relevant limits and limitations present when using the Vercel platform.

Note: If your project is likely to exceed these limits, please contact Vercel Support to discuss an increase.

General Limits

To prevent abuse of our platform, we apply the following limits to all accounts.

Deployments Created per Day
Serverless Functions Created per Deployment
Serverless Functions Deployed per Month
Serverless Function Execution Timeout (Seconds)
Deployments Created from CLI per Week
Team Members per Team
Vercel Projects Connected per Git Repository
Build Time per Deployment
(Minutes. The build will fail when the limit is reached)
Note: Next.js bundles all API Routes and server-rendered pages into shared Serverless Functions , separating API routes and server-rendered pages when deployed on Vercel. Further Serverless Functions are created only if they do not fit within the 50MB limit. As a result, the "Serverless Functions per Deployment" limit is unlikely to apply for Next.js projects.

General Limit Examples

Below are two examples that provide further information on how general limits work.

Serverless Functions per Deployment (Hobby)

You are able to deploy up to 12 unique Serverless Functions per Deployment. Should you exceed this general limit, you will receive an error telling you this.

Serverless Functions per Month (Hobby)

You are able to deploy a total of 160 unique Serverless Functions per month. For each Deployment, if a Serverless Function's code has changed since the last, it will detract 1 from the available limit as the function will need to be rebuilt. Should you exceed this general limit, you will need to wait till the current month ends before you can deploy more Serverless Functions.


Check out this section for more details about the limits of the Analytics feature on Vercel.


All log types - Build Time, Edge Network, and Runtime - have differing behavior when it comes to storing logs.

During the Build Step, the last 2,000 log lines are stored and persisted.

For Edge Network requests, all logs are not persisted.

For Serverless Functions, only logs from failed requests are persisted.

All other logs are stored in memory only and are not persisted between page views. Each log output is limited to 4 KB. For log outputs greater than 4 KB per Serverless Function invocation, only the last 4 KB will be retained.

Environment Variables

The maximum number of Environment Variables per environment per Project is 100. For example, you cannot have more than 100 Production Environment Variables.

The total size of your Environment Variables, names and values, is limited to 4 KB per Environment per Project. This limitation is imposed by AWS Lambda and cannot be changed.


The maximum number of domains that can be applied to a single project is 50. If your project requires more than 50 domains, please contact our sales team.


The maximum number of files that can be uploaded when creating a Deployment is 10,000 for source files and 16,000 for build output files.

Deployments that contain more files than the limit will fail at the build step.

HTTP/2 Push

The Vercel platform does not currently support HTTP/2 Push.


Serverless Functions do not support WebSockets.

We recommend third-party solutions to enable realtime communication for Deployments.

Serverless Function Size

The maximum size for a Serverless Function is 50 MB and the maximum unzipped size is 250 MB including layers which are automatically used depending on Runtimes. These limits are enforced by AWS to ensure you can't deploy Serverless Functions that take a long time to boot.

You can configure functions with includeFiles and excludeFiles which may affect the function size, however the limits cannot be configured.

Serverless Function Memory

The maximum memory size for a Serverless Function deployed on a Personal Account (Hobby plan) is 1024 MB. For Teams (Pro plan), it can be increased to up to 3008 MB.

You can use the functions property to adjust the memory size for each Serverless Function.

Serverless Function Execution Timeout

The amount of time (in seconds) that a Serverless Function is allowed to process an HTTP request before it must respond. The maximum execution timeout is 10 seconds when deployed on a Personal Account (Hobby plan). For Teams, the execution timeout is 60 seconds (Pro plan) or 900 seconds (Enterprise plan).

For more information, see the Execution Timeout section.

Serverless Function Concurrency

The maximum number of concurrent executions for Serverless Functions is 1000 by default. The concurrency limit is shared across all Projects deployed to a Team and can be observed with the usage of Log Drains.

If you require a limit above 1000, you should contact our sales team to discuss custom limits available on an Enterprise plan.

Serverless Function Payload Size Limit

The maximum payload size for the request body or the response body of a Serverless Function is 5 MB.

If a Serverless Function receives a payload in excess of the limit it will return an error - 413: FUNCTION_PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE.

Serverless Function Regions

It is possible to deploy Serverless Functions to multiple regions, however this featured is limited to Enterprise plans. See also the FAQ section for more details on the Pro plan.

When attempting to deploy Serverless Functions to multiple regions on a non-Enterprise plan, the Deployment will fail before entering the build step.

Streaming Responses

Vercel does not support streaming responses from Serverless Functions due to an upstream limitation from AWS.

This means that background tasks, also known as "fire-and-forget" is not supported. Once the Severless Function returns the response payload, it stops processing including any pending background tasks.

Reserved Variables

The following Environment Variable names are reserved and therefore unavailable for use:

  • TZ

Rate Limits

Rate limits are hard limits that apply to the platform when performing actions that require a response from our API.

The rate limits table consists of the following four columns:

  • Description - A brief summary of the limit which, where relevant, will advise what type of plan it applies to.
  • Limit - The amount of actions permitted within the amount of time (Duration) specified.
  • Duration - The amount of time (seconds) in which you can perform the specified amount of actions. Once a rate limit is hit, it will be reset after the Duration has expired.
  • Scope - Who the limit applies to: owner refers to the account owner, user refers to an individual user on a Team account.

Rate Limit Examples

Below are five examples that provide further information on how rate limits work.

Domain Deletion

You are able to delete up to 60 domains every 60 seconds (1 minute). Should you hit the rate limit, you will need to wait another minute before you can delete another domain.

Team Deletion

You are able to delete up to 20 teams every 3600 seconds (1 hour). Should you hit the rate limit, you will need to wait another hour before you can delete another team.

Username Change

You are able to change your username up to 6 times every 604800 seconds (1 week). Should you hit the rate limit, you will need to wait another week before you can change your username again.

Builds per Hour (Free)

You are able to build 32 Deployments every 3600 seconds (1 hour). Should you hit the rate limit, you will need to wait another hour before you can build a deployment again.

Note: Using Next.js or any similar framework to build your deployment is classed as a build. Each Serverless Function is also classed as a build. Hosting static files such as an index.html file is not classed as a build.

Deployments per day (Free)

You are able to deploy 100 times every 86400 seconds (1 day). Should you hit the rate limit, you will need to wait another day before you can deploy again.

Last Edited on January 8th 2021